About us

The Centre for Certified Legal and Tech Expertise (CCLTE) was founded to create and support professional education in the intersection of law and technology.

We partner with top educators, ensuring our courses reach students eager to distinguish themselves with a unique blend of skills. Students can rest assured the quality of their education is of a consistently high level.

A ramp along a curved wall in the Kiasma Museu, Helsinki, Finland

Education Committee

The Education Committee is an independent body formed by the CCLTE, tasked with overseeing the quality of curriculums standards in CCLTE-certified education. Comprised of experts in the field, the committee reviews and approves both curriculums and exams to ensure they are relevant, up-to-date, and of top quality. Only after committee approval can an educator teach a particular curriculum with the aim of letting their students qualify for the CCLTE title.

Ivar Timmer
Professor Legal management & technology | AUAS

Mirjam van der Sluis
Manager Legal Desk | Municipality of Amsterdam

Peter Kits

Partner Digital Transformation | KPMG

Tina van der Linden

Associate Professor | Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute | VU